What is Car Dealer Concierge?

Never pay full price again! Our trained negotiators are ex-car salesmen! We offer a full service automotive purchase package. We literally do all the heavy lifting like finding the vehicle, finding a dealer, helping you negotiate, all the way to you signing your papers and picking up your car or having it delivered to your front door.

Credit Analysis

We do a credit check through one of our trusted vendors and go over your entire credit history with you. We will give you information on how to repair or retain your standing within the bureau to qualify for your purchase.

Fact Finding

We find out exactly what you're looking for in your next vehicle purchase and the quality of the vehicle you need. For example, vehicle model, year, mileage, monthly investments, initial investment, who’s name it will be in, co-signers, etc.

Dealer Match

We then locate the vehicle within a reasonable distance, if you prefer to pick it up. If available, we negotiate the deal with one of our trusted dealer groups with a below-market price and a vehicle matching your wants and needs.


We will work hard to find your perfect car match, but if you decide not to proceed, you are not obligated to the 2nd half of the fee. You will also keep your credit analysis, fact finding analysis, and dealer match.

How much does it cost?

The Concierge Service is only $499. Your fee, in most cases (not all), can be added to your vehicle and paid to us by the dealer. You pay just 50% upfront to get us started. The other 50% is paid at the closing of your deal or added to your contract and paid by the dealer.



Your online application is fast, simple and you don’t

have to share your social security number or birth date.